Connecting to Heroku Postgres
Last updated June 11, 2024
Table of Contents
Heroku Postgres is accessible from many different programming languages and frameworks.
Heroku Postgres & SSL
Heroku Postgres requires SSL connections using TLS v1.2 or higher.
Most clients will connect over SSL by default, but on occasion it’s necessary to set the sslmode=require
parameter on a Postgres connection. Add this parameter in code rather than editing the config var directly. We recommend you enforce SSL, especially if you’re using Java or Node.js clients.
Connection Permissions
Heroku Postgres users are granted all non-superuser permissions on their database. These include SELECT
, and USAGE
and limited ALTER
Heroku runs the following SQL to create a user and database for you.
CREATE ROLE user_name;
CREATE DATABASE database_name OWNER user_name;
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE database_name TO user_name;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE database_name TO user_name;
Multiple Schemas
Heroku Postgres supports multiple schemas and doesn’t place any limits on the number of schemas you can create.
The most common use case for using multiple schemas in a database is building a software-as-a-service application wherein each customer has their own schema. While this technique seems compelling, we strongly recommend against it as it has caused numerous cases of operational problems. For instance, even a moderate number of schemas (> 50) can severely impact the performance of Heroku’s database snapshots tool, PG Backups.
External Connections (Ingress)
In addition to being available to the Heroku runtime, Heroku Postgres databases can be accessed directly by clients running on your local computer or elsewhere.
All connections require SSL: sslmode=require
You can retrieve the PG connection string in one of two ways. You can run theheroku pg:credentials:url
$ heroku pg:credentials:url DATABASE
Connection info string:
"dbname=dee932clc3mg8h port=6212 user=user3121 password=98kd8a9 sslmode=require"
Also, the connection string is exposed as a config var for your app:
$ heroku config | grep HEROKU_POSTGRESQL
If you get the error The authentication type 10 is not supported.
or SCRAM authentication is not supported by this driver.
while connecting to your Essential database, see this Help article.
Connecting in Java
There are a variety of ways to create a connection to a Heroku Postgres database, depending on the Java framework in use. In most cases, the environment variable JDBC_DATABASE_URL
can be used directly as described in the article Connecting to Relational Databases on Heroku with Java. For example:
private static Connection getConnection() throws URISyntaxException, SQLException {
String dbUrl = System.getenv("JDBC_DATABASE_URL");
return DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl);
When it isn’t possible to use the JDBC URL (usually because custom buildpack is being used), you must use the DATABASE_URL
environment URL to determine connection information. Some examples are provided below.
By default, Heroku attempts to enable SSL for the PostgreSQL JDBC driver by setting the property sslmode=require
globally. If you’re building the JDBC URL yourself (such as by parsing the DATABASE_URL
), we recommend explicitly adding this parameter.
It’s also important that you use a version of the Postgres JDBC driver version 9.2 or greater. For example, in Maven add the following to your pom.xml
Examples of all outlined connection methods here are available on GitHub at:
Create a JDBC connection to Heroku Postgres by parsing the DATABASE_URL
environment variable.
private static Connection getConnection() throws URISyntaxException, SQLException {
URI dbUri = new URI(System.getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
String username = dbUri.getUserInfo().split(":")[0];
String password = dbUri.getUserInfo().split(":")[1];
String dbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://" + dbUri.getHost() + ':' + dbUri.getPort() + dbUri.getPath() + "?sslmode=require";
return DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, username, password);
The following Spring XML configuration snippet creates a BasicDataSource
. It can be used with Hibernate, JPA, etc:
<bean class="" id="dbUrl">
<constructor-arg value="#{systemEnvironment['DATABASE_URL']}"/>
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
<property name="url" value="#{ 'jdbc:postgresql://' + @dbUrl.getHost() + ':' + @dbUrl.getPort() + @dbUrl.getPath() + '?sslmode=require' }"/>
<property name="username" value="#{ @dbUrl.getUserInfo().split(':')[0] }"/>
<property name="password" value="#{ @dbUrl.getUserInfo().split(':')[1] }"/>
Alternatively you can use Java for configuration of the BasicDataSource
in Spring:
public class MainConfig {
public BasicDataSource dataSource() throws URISyntaxException {
URI dbUri = new URI(System.getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
String username = dbUri.getUserInfo().split(":")[0];
String password = dbUri.getUserInfo().split(":")[1];
String dbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql://" + dbUri.getHost() + ':' + dbUri.getPort() + dbUri.getPath() + "?sslmode=require";
BasicDataSource basicDataSource = new BasicDataSource();
return basicDataSource;
for the Heroku Postgres add-on follows this naming convention:
However the Postgres JDBC driver uses the following convention:
Notice the additional ql
at the end of jdbc:postgresql
? Due to this difference, you must hardcode the scheme to jdbc:postgresql
in your Java class or your Spring XML configuration.
Remote Connections
You can connect to your Heroku Postgres database remotely for maintenance and debugging purposes. However, doing so requires that you use an SSL connection. Your JDBC connection URL must include the following URL parameter:
If you leave off sslmode=require
and attempt to connect to a production-tier databases, you will receive a connection error..
You must add this parameter in code rather than editing the config var directly. Automated events such as failover can change the config var, overwiring your edits.
Click here for more information see the Dev Center article on Connecting to Relational Databases on Heroku with Java.
Connecting in Ruby
To use PostgreSQL as your database in Ruby applications you must include the pg
gem in your Gemfile
gem 'pg'
Run bundle install
to download and resolve all dependencies.
If you’re using the pg
gem to connect to your Postgres database from a Heroku dyno, and haven’t specified an sslmode
in your configuration or code, the gem defaults to sslmode: prefer
. If you use sslmode: prefer
, your connections can work if SSL use is enforced on your Postgres database.
Connecting in Rails
When Rails applications are deployed to Heroku a database.yml
file is automatically generated for your application. That configures ActiveRecord to use a PostgreSQL connection and to connect to the database specified by DATABASE_URL
. This behavior is only needed up to Rails 4.1. Any later version contains direct support for specifying a connection URL and configuration in the database.yml
so we don’t have to overwrite it.
To use PostgreSQL locally with a Rails app your database.yml
must contain the following configuration:
adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
username: user
database: app-dev
Connecting in JRuby
To use PostgreSQL as your database in JRuby applications you must include the activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter
gem in your Gemfile
gem 'activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter'
Run bundle install
to download and resolve all dependencies.
If using Rails, follow the instructions for Connecting with Rails.
Connecting in Python
To use PostgreSQL as your database in Python applications you must use the psycopg2
$ pip install psycopg2-binary
And use this package to connect to DATABASE_URL
in your code.
import os
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URL, sslmode='require')
Connecting with Django
Install the dj-database-url
package using pip
$ pip install dj-database-url
Be sure to add psycopg2-binary
and dj-database-url
to your requirements.txt
file as well.
To parse the values of the DATABASE_URL
environment variable and convert them to something Django can understand, add the following to the bottom of
import dj_database_url
DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=600, ssl_require=True)
Connecting in Go
Go apps can connect to Heroku-Postgres by providing the pq Postgres database driver to their query interface of choice (such as the standard database/sql). Your app will use the query interface, rather than using the driver directly.
Standard Usage (database/sql)
$ cd <app>
$ dep ensure -add
import (
_ ""
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"))
if err != nil {
SSL is required to connect to Heroku-Postgres. pq automatically sets sslmode=require, but if you use another library, you must configure ssl explicitly.
Beyond the Standard Lib
For lower-level access to Postgres, you can use pgx.
For time-saving extensions to database/sql, you can use sqlx.
Connecting in PHP
General Considerations
If a framework or library cannot natively handle database connection strings formatted as URLs, use the parse_url()
function to parse the DATABASE_URL
environment variables into individual values for user, pass, host, port, and database name.
The leading slash must be trimmed from the path component, since it represents the database name.
$db = parse_url(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
$db["path"] = ltrim($db["path"], "/");
The resulting associative array in $db
contains the information from the URL, as documented, with the database name available through the “path
” key.
Connecting with PDO
A DSN must be constructed to connect using PDO:
$db = parse_url(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
$pdo = new PDO("pgsql:" . sprintf(
ltrim($db["path"], "/")
Connecting with the pgsql Extension
The pgsql extension passes connection strings directly to the underlying libpq
library, which supports URL-style connection strings, so the DATABASE_URL
environment variable can be used directly:
$conn = pg_connect(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
Connecting with the pq Extension
The pq extension passes connection strings directly to the underlying libpq
library, which supports URL-style connection strings, so the DATABASE_URL
environment variable can be used directly:
$conn = new pq\Connection(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
Connecting with Laravel
The config/database.php
file returns an array of database connection info to the framework; it can simply be amended to call parse_url()
environment variable first, and return the extracted data:
$DATABASE_URL = parse_url(getenv("DATABASE_URL"));
return [
// …
'connections' => [
// …
'pgsql' => [
'driver' => 'pgsql',
'host' => $DATABASE_URL["host"],
'port' => $DATABASE_URL["port"],
'database' => ltrim($DATABASE_URL["path"], "/"),
'username' => $DATABASE_URL["user"],
'password' => $DATABASE_URL["pass"],
'charset' => 'utf8',
'prefix' => '',
'schema' => 'public',
'sslmode' => 'require',
// …
// …
Connecting with Symfony 3
environment variable can be referenced in config.yml
; Symfony’s DoctrineBundle automatically parses the URL’s contents.
Connecting with Symfony 4
Symfony 4 automatically picks up the DATABASE_URL
environment variable without further configuration.
Connecting in Node.js
Install the pg
NPM module as a dependency:
$ npm install pg
Then, connect to process.env.DATABASE_URL
const { Client } = require('pg');
const client = new Client({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
client.query('SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables;', (err, res) => {
if (err) throw err;
for (let row of res.rows) {
Alternatively, you can omit the ssl
configuration object if you specify the PGSSLMODE
config var: heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=no-verify